Discover Your BadasArie
BadAsire- noun:
1. The practice of knowing one's own accomplishments and gifts.
2. The practice of accepting and celebrating one's own accomplishments and gifts.
3. The practice of living life with swagger.
Swagger- noun or verb:
1.The practice of being oneself and waking up like this.
2. Not giving a crap what anyone thinks about you.
Excerpt taken from the dictionary of Shonda Rhimes book, "The Year of Yes"
What is your story? Tell your story. Someone out in the universe needs to hear it. And so you have this feeling in your spirit to tell your story by writing a book, and speaking at conferences. You want to tell your story to empower others in letting them know what you’ve been through and to see that you made it through. Tell your story because someone else maybe going through the same thing and need some truth encouragement. TELL YOUR STORY!!! And then what?
That is the question that I always said to myself, after I have come back from a conference that just lit me on fire, running home with steam coming out of my head, I’m ready to aim and fire. But as I sit there, in front of my computer with all of my notes and memories, I can see that fire, slowly dying off into ashes. And I think, how? How do I start, how can I get the steam, how can I fire it up? I have the tools, I took the classes and I know the protocol, but it wasn’t coming together. It’s not flowing like the steam that was in my brain. It doesn’t seem to catch fire like I felt when I was sitting on the edge of my seat getting poured into with the ammunition of YES You can……. sizzle. Then reality hits, and I remember that I’m not Beyonce, I’m not Lisa Nichols, I’m not Shonda Rhimes, I’m not the speaker who just lit my booty on fire and had me jumping out of my seat, running around the room like the Holy Spirit just got a whole of me, I’m not them!
We are attracted to what we don’t have. Yikes!! We are attracted to the void space inside of us. The space that yearns to be filled so we can feel complete. So we look for it in the stories. We feed on it, and then we try to imitate it so that we can have it. Is it power, love, intimacy, money, leadership, popularity or status for example? What we need to understand is, that attraction is just that. We can’t take someone’s story and make it our own. We can’t be them. We can’t be that person who has what we want. We can’t have their voice, their leadership, their power etc.
Yes, we can learn from them, and we should study their teachings, get some nuggets, learn the game, but all it will ever be is a lot of smoke turned into ashes, unless we can find the beauty in our own dodo. We have to learn to pick up our own poop and find the attraction of power, love, intimacy and beyond. Only then, can we have ownership of that thing that attracts and fills that void. It’s that uniqueness in the shape of your delivery. It’s the tone in your voice and the formation of your walk. Only you have it and only you can own it. It’s your God given purposeful BadasAri. And the only way to walk with fire on your butt, and not get burned is to Peel away those layers that are smothering the match in your void that you are trying to lite.
I hope by now, you’ve guess it. You’ve discovered what the “secret” really means. It’s taking that attraction and molding it, shaping it, giving it your special sauce and forming it into your personal identity holding space that makes you your own Identity BRAND.
Pre-Order your journal - Beauty for Ashes and start on your BadasArie Journey!