My Vision is to shine the light on the ability to CHOOSE!
My dream is to magnify the greatness that is hidden within. My purpose is to spread the gospel of love.
I chose to unclench my hands and I chose to be stripped of everything that prevented me from climbing that mountain and to zoom into a life of FREEDOM LIVING.
I chose to stop desiring things that I never got to enjoy. I chose to stop crying for love that was never there and I chose to stop hating me, a person that I didn't know or loved.
I chose to stop just being.
I chose to believe what Identity God has branded me with and not the one others covered me with.
I chose to believe that God always gives a choice. And I chose to
Fight Like Like a Girl!
Personal Training Below - Click Picture to purchase from PayPal -email
My Vision Shop
For Your Transformation
I utilize programs that i have developed that will align you with the right energy frequency of your dreams and goals. You can not obtain your true purpose if you aren't in direct connection with them and your mind, body and spirit. Start becoming more than you have ever dreamed you could be. Become transformed for greater! Start Today!
Identity Theft
This program is a 21 Day- 1 on 1 training with me that is focused on helping you remove those "nots" which are holding you back from being the best you can be. It is based on the Book of Job and it incorporates, meditations, fitness exercises and healthy eating recipes. You are sure to lose a lot of weight in this program.
Cost: $1200
Beauty For Ashes
Loving ourselves may seem easy to say, but very difficult to believe. This is a journal book that is recommended for any program you choose. It is wonderfully developed to remind you of your beauty everyday. There is a special Calendar of Awesomeness that will help you develop, initiate and focused on a daily mantra of the beauty inside of you.
Cost: $30